Fig. 4.
HPK1 −/− mice are resistant to the growth of Lewis lung carcinoma. 3LL cells were injected intravenously into HPK1 −/− or wild-type mice, in the presence or absence of a COX-2 inhibitor (COX2i), and tumor burden in the lungs was assessed after 14 days. a Total number of lung foci and total tumor area in the lungs with H&E staining. White and black bars represent HPK1 −/− and wild-type conditions, respectively. b With H&E staining, a 20× magnification (top panels) of a single lobe from the lungs of HPK1 −/− or wild-type mice, respectively. A single tumor focus of 60× magnification from HPK1 −/− or wild-type lungs (bottom panels). P values shown represent the standard error of the mean of an experiment (n = 6)