FIG. 1.
Inactivation of haloarchaeal virus HRPV-1. (A) Effect of total ionic strength. The virus stock was diluted in deionized water. The x axis indicates the proportion of the virus stock in the dilution. (B) Effect of NaCl concentration. The virus stock was diluted to decrease NaCl concentration (see Materials and Methods). In panels A and B the number of the infective virus particles was measured immediately after dilution (•) and after an 18-h incubation period at 4°C (○). The first point on the y axis represents the infectivity of the undiluted virus stock. (C) HRPV-1 sensitivity to pH changes. The virus stock was diluted in modified HRPV-1-buffer containing either potassium phosphate buffer (○) or Tris-HCl-buffer (•) and incubated for 30 min at 22°C. (D) HRPV-1 sensitivity to temperature changes. The undiluted virus stock was incubated at different temperatures for 30 min.