Renal functional data in four groups of neonatal white New Zealand rabbits, exposed to an acute intravenous stat dose of NSAIDs. Groups A and B received 40 mg/kg body weight of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), group C received 0.2 mg/kg body weight of ibuprofen and group D received 2 mg/kg body weight of indomethacin. The data are presented as mean percentage changes (Δ%) of the experimental data after the administration of one of the NSAIDs versus the control data in the same animal group
Treatment group | Age | UV (Δ%) | GFR (Δ%) | RBF (Δ%) | RVR |
Group A – ASA | 7 days | −41 | −34 | −52 | +153 |
Group B – ASA | 12 weeks | −5* | −22† | −16† | +20* |
Group C – ibuprofen | 7 days | −38 | −36 | −36 | +61 |
Group D – indomethacin | 7 days | −42 | −45 | −45 | +55 |
P<0.001 versus ASA 7days;
P<0.01 versus ASA 7days. GFR Glomerular filtration rate (measured as inulin clearance); RBF renal blood flow (measured as para-aminohippuric acid [PAH] clearance equals renal plasma flow [RPF] with correction of the hematocrit [Htc] as follows: Renal blood flow [RBF]=RPF[1-Htc]); RVR Renal vascular resistance (calculated as mean arterial pressure divided by RBF); UV Urine volume