Fig. 6.
a-f Session 4, case 03: EBV+ DLBCL of the elderly. The neoplastic population—provided with some HRS-like features—is admixed with a rich reactive T cell component (a) and expresses CD30 (b), CD20 (c), PAX5/BSAP (d), OCT-2 (e), and LMP1 (f). g–i Session 4, case 09: HIV-associated plasmablastic lymphoma. The neoplasm infiltrates the lachrymal gland (g; cytological details in the inset) and shows EBV integration (h) and Ig kappa monoclonality (i) at ISH. j–n Session 4, case 29: Extracavitary PEL in the absence of immunodeficiency. Lymphomatous cells vary in size and shape (from immunoblastic to plasmablastic; j), are negative for CD45 (k), express IRF4 (l), and turn positive for HHV8 LANA (m) and EBV (n). o–r Session 4, case 14: Monomorphic PTLD. The surgical specimen (colon) is characterized by multiple ulcers (o). The tumor consists of large cells with plasmablastic features (p) and does express LMP1 (q) and EBNA2 (r)