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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Dec 29.
Published in final edited form as: Neural Comput. 2009 Jul;21(7):1797–1862. doi: 10.1162/neco.2009.06-08-799

Table 1.

Summary of Notation.

c index of spike trains c = 1, 2, …, C
m index of simulated Markov chains m = 1, 2, …, M
t continuous-time index t ∈ [0, T]
ti spike timing of the ith spike in continuous time
Δ smallest time bin size
k discrete-time index k = 1, 2, …, K, KΔ = T
yk number of counts observed from discrete-time Markov chain, yk ∈ {0, ℕ}
Sk discrete-time first-order Markov state, Sk ∈ {1, …, L}
S0 initial Markov state at time 0
S0:T, S1:k history of the Markov state from time 0 to T (or 1 to k)
n number of state jumps within the latent process S0:T
l index of state jumps l = 1, 2, …, n
{S(t); 0 ≤ tT} realization of hidden Markov process
Inline graphic= (n, τ, χ) triplet that contains all information of continuous-time Markov chain {S(t)}
τ = (τ0, …, τn) (n + 1)-length vector of the sojourn times of {S(t)}
χ = (χ0, …, χn) (n + 1)-length vector of visited states in the sojourn times of {S(t)}
Inline graphic(0) initial state of MCMC sampler
νl ν0 = 0, vl=r=0l1τr(l=1,2,,n+1)
Inline graphic0:T, Inline graphic1:K history of point-process observations from time 0 to T (or 1 to k)
N(t), Nk counting process in continuous and discrete time, N(t), Nk ∈ {0, ℕ}
dN(t), dNk indicator of point-process observations, 0 or 1
Pij transition probability from state i to j for a discrete-time Markov chain, Σj Pij = 1
qij transition rate from state i to j for a continuous-time Markov chain, Σj qij = 0
ri = qii total transition rate of state i for a continuous-time Markov chain, ri = Σji qij
πi initial prior probability Pr(S0 = i)
ak(i) forward message of state i at time k
bk(i) backward message of state i at time k
γk(i) marginal conditional probability Pr(Sk = iInline graphic0:T)
ξk(i, j) joint conditional probability Pr(Sk−1 = i, Sk = jInline graphic0:T)
graphic file with name nihms142917ig1.jpg log likelihood of the complete data
R(Inline graphicInline graphic′) proposal transition density from state Inline graphic to Inline graphic
Inline graphic = Inline graphic1Inline graphic2Inline graphic3 prior ratio × likelihood ratio × proposal probability ratio
graphic file with name nihms142917ig5.jpg acceptance probability, Inline graphic = min(1, Inline graphic)
graphic file with name nihms142917ig6.jpg Jacobian
λk conditional intensity function of the point process at time k
θ parameter vector that contains all unknown parameters
p(x) probability density function
F(x) cumulative distribution function, F(x)=xp(z)dz
Φ(x) gaussian cumulative distribution function
erf(x) error function
Inline graphic(·) indicator function
Inline graphic(a, b) uniform distribution within the region (a, b)