AFB1 and AFB2 cannot replace TIR1 in tir1–1 plants. (A) Northern blot of RNA isolated from 9-day-old Col-O, tir1–1, tir1 pTIR1:cTIR1:GUS, tir1 pTIR1:cAFB1:GUS, and col pAFB1:cAFB1:GUS seedlings. Expression evaluated using P32-labeled probes that bind the GUS coding region or the 3′-UTR of the TIR1 gene. rRNA levels are stained using EtBr. (B-G) GUS expression in 8-day-old seedlings containing tir1 TIR1p-cTIR1:GUS line 2 (B), tir1 TIR1p-cTIR1:GUS line 24 (C), tir1 TIR1p-cAFB1:GUS line 8 (D), tir1 TIR1p-cAFB1:GUS line 16 (E), tir1 TIR1p-cAFB2:GUS line 5 (F), and tir1 TIR1p-cAFB2:GUS line 6 (G) transgenes. (H) Root elongation as performed in Fig. 2A with 4-day-old seedling grown in the presence of 2,4-D. Numbers denote independent lines.