Figure 2.
PKP2 genomic sequencing and pedigree analysis. A: PKP2 genomic sequence analysis of the end of exon 12 and the downstream 5’ intronic splice site for a control individual, the proband (II-1), and the proband’s parents (I-1 and I-2). The dotted line indicates the boundary between the exon (capital letters) and intron (lowercase). The c.2484C>T mutation (NM_004572.2) is indicated with an asterisk. The proband’s parents are each heterozygous (C/T) at position c.2484, and the proband (arrow) is homozygous (T/T) at this position. B: Pedigree of the proband’s family. Squares, male; circles, female; black shading, affected; white shading, unaffected; dots indicate heterozygous individuals as described in (A). For the proband, the lengths of the microsatellite markers D12S345 and D12S1692 are indicated below the pedigree.