Figure 2.
Keywords found by Martini from cell-cycle genes. The figure shows all keywords found by Martini using 600 cell-cycle-regulated genes that have been experimentally assigned to specific time points within the human cell cycle. Percentage numbering indicates cell cycle progress, with cell division occurring at 100% or 12 o’clock. The arc spanned by each keyword shows the exact region where it is statistically significant. The radius of each keyword is determined by word length. The left-portion of the figure shows keywords that describe biological processes and functions—these keywords cluster into three distinct phases: M-, S- and a pre-replication phase. The right-portion of the figure is a close-up of the pre-replication and S-phase regions showing keywords that specify genes, proteins or complexes. The keywords shown, and their positions show a surprisingly accurate and precise match to the sub-phases, processes, and entities known to occur in the cell cycle (see also Table 3).