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. 2009 Nov 3;170(12):1541–1554. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwp307

Table 5.

Odds Ratios and 95% Confidence Intervals for Associations of Melanoma With Selected Known Risk Factors, for Different Control Groups, Australian Melanoma Family Study, 2001–2005

Risk Factor No. of Cases Total Controls (Population and Spouse/Friend)
Population Controls
Spouse/Friend Controls
Sibling Controls
No. Odds Ratiob 95% Confidence Interval No. Odds Ratiob 95% Confidence Interval No. Odds Ratiob 95% Confidence Interval No. of Casesc No. of Controls Odds Ratiod 95% Confidence Interval Odds Ratio 95% Confidence Interval
Hair color
    Dark brown/black 157 189 1.00 97 1.00 92 1.00 109 224 1.00 1.00
    Light brown 243 207 1.26 0.94, 1.71 98 1.46 1.00, 2.13 109 1.11 0.76, 1.62 157 253 1.37 0.95, 1.97 1.62 1.11, 2.34
    Fair or blonde 140 63 2.34 1.59, 3.44 26 3.22 1.91, 5.43 37 1.71 1.06, 2.78 88 118 1.85 1.13, 3.01 1.96 1.41, 2.74
    Red 72 25 3.02 1.79, 5.11 12 3.20 1.60, 6.37 13 2.88 1.44, 5.74 42 67 1.61 0.91, 2.83 3.64 2.56, 5.37
        Ptrend <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.02
Ability to tan (repeated exposure)
    Very brown and deep tan 84 119 1.00 63 1.00 56 1.00 50 123 1.00 1.00
    Moderate tan 271 203 1.91 1.35, 2.72 92 2.11 1.37, 3.27 111 1.60 1.02, 2.49 179 293 1.69 1.09, 2.61 1.77 1.23, 2.56
    Mild or occasional tan 179 116 2.00 1.35, 2.94 55 2.20 1.36, 3.56 61 1.60 0.98, 2.63 123 189 2.01 1.25, 3.22 1.84 1.43, 2.36
    No tan or only freckles 75 43 2.11 1.29, 3.45 22 2.20 1.18, 4.09 21 1.91 1.00, 3.65 45 60 2.53 1.35, 4.74 2.09 1.67, 2.58
        Ptrend 0.002 0.007 0.06 0.002
Mole count on back
    None 33 59 1.00 31 1.00 28 1.00 22 77 1.00 1.00a
    1–4 88 103 1.37 0.80, 2.33 44 1.56 0.80, 3.03 59 1.25 0.65, 2.39 51 124 1.52 0.80, 2.87 1.44 1.29, 1.60
    5–10 137 127 1.62 0.97, 2.71 68 1.62 0.87, 3.01 59 1.79 0.95, 3.36 90 167 2.22 1.17, 4.19 2.48 1.90, 3.23
    11–15 67 43 2.39 1.31, 4.35 23 2.41 1.15, 5.01 20 2.25 1.05, 4.82 41 78 1.94 0.95, 3.96 4.82 3.05, 7.62
    ≥16 263 133 2.87 1.74, 4.71 60 3.33 1.81, 6.16 73 2.53 1.38, 4.65 172 171 4.72 2.47, 9.00
        Ptrend <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Reported family history of melanoma in first-degree relative
    None 525 442 1.00 214 1.00 228 1.00 1.00
    ≥1 97 46 1.98 1.34, 2.92 21 1.91 1.13, 3.22 25 1.96 1.19, 3.23 1.74 1.41, 2.14
        P value <0.001 0.02 0.008

Results from meta-analyses by Gandini et al. (24, 30). For mole count, the odds ratios from the meta-analysis are not directly comparable because they are based on mole count on arms (not on the back as in our study); however, we have used the same cutpoints, and a different pooled analysis (60) has shown similar risk estimates for mole counts on the trunk and upper limbs.


Analyzed by using unconditional logistic regression. Adjusted for age, sex, state, ethnicity (Caucasian, other), reported family history (first degree) of melanoma (none, any), education (junior high school, senior high school, vocational, university), and lifetime cumulative time spent outdoors (quartiles). Excludes spouse controls aged ≥45 years (n = 33) and cases and controls missing values for any of the covariates (6 cases, 4 population controls, 3 spouse controls).


Excludes 222 cases with no sibling controls.


Analyzed by using conditional logistic regression (matched by family). Adjusted for age, sex, education (junior high school, senior high school, vocational, university), and lifetime cumulative time spent outdoors (quartiles). Excludes sibling controls aged ≥45 years and cases and controls missing values for any of the covariates (5 cases; 11 sibling controls).