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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Dec 31.
Published in final edited form as: J Health Polit Policy Law. 2009 Jun;34(3):325–359. doi: 10.1215/03616878-2009-009

Table 2.

Table 2a. Demographic Characteristics of Dialogue Groups by Percent
Organization AME (N = 19) FACED (N = 16) ULF (N = 17) AKA (N = 25) OPP (N = 23) ChCh (N = 17) Orchid (N = 11) Resd (N = 12) StAndr (N = 13) Support (N = 12) LSalud (N = 22) LFS (N = 16) Clinica (N = 17) SER (N = 18) Castillo (N = 15)
 African American 100 100 100 96 100 100 100 100 84.6 91.7 0 0 0 0 0
 Latino 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.3 90.9 93.8 94.1 94.4 80
 Other 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 15.4 0 9.1 6.3 5.9 5.6 20
 Male 47.4 31.3 58.8 40 65.2 35.3 0 0 23.1 8.3 36.4 18.8 29.4 38.9 73.3
 Female 52.6 68.8 41.2 60 34.8 64.7 100 100 76.9 91.7 63.6 81.3 70.6 61.1 26.7
 Under 30 10.5 18.8 11.8 28 26.1 17.6 0 33.4 0 16.7 95.5 50 47.1 11.1 33.3
 31–50 36.9 31.3 58.8 32 52.2 29.4 0 66.7 7.7 8.3 4.5 43.8 41.2 27.8 46.6
 51–60 21.1 31.3 5.9 16 8.7 17.6 27.3 0 7.7 58.3 0 0 0 27.8 13.3
 61+ 31.6 18.8 23.5 24 13 35.3 72.7 0 84.6 16.7 0 6.3 11.8 33.3 6.7
 Less than h.s. 5.3 12.5 0 0 0 11.8 0 25 0 0 0 18.8 41.1 0 0
 12 years 10.5 31.3 46.7 0 0 17.6 0 33.3 0 16.7 0 50 29.4 0 0
 Some college 31.6 18.8 46.7 16 0 41.2 0 41.7 16.7 16.7 63.6 25 29.4 37.5 14.3
 College grad 31.6 18.8 6.7 28 30.4 5.9 9.1 0 33.3 16.7 18.2 6.3 0 25 57.1
 Some grad school 21.1 18.3 0 56 69.6 23.5 90.9 0 50 50 18.2 0 0 37.5 28.6
Table 2b. Demographic Characteristics of Dialogue Groups by Percent
Organization AME (N = 19) FACED (N = 16) ULF (N = 17) AKA (N = 25) OPP (N = 23) ChCh (N = 17) Orchid (N = 11) Resd (N = 12) StAndr (N = 13) Support (N = 12) LSalud (N = 22) LFS (N = 16) Clinica (N = 17) SER (N = 18) Castillo (N = 15)
 < $15,000 0 14.3 18.8 10 4.3 41.7 0 88.9 0 18.2 47.6 33.3 52.9 8.3 0
 $15,000–45,000 40 42.8 56.3 45 21.7 33.3 33.3 11.1 50 27.3 38 41.6 29.4 33.3 46.7
 $45,000–60,000 13.3 28.6 18.8 0 17.4 8.3 11.1 0 30 18.2 0 16.7 11.8 8.3 13.3
 > $60,000 46.7 14.3 6.3 45 56.5 16.7 55.6 0 20 36.4 14.3 8.3 5.9 50 40
 [Missing] [4] [2] [1] [5] [1] [5] [2] [3] [3] [1] [1] [4] [6]
Primary Activity
 Employed 78.0 37.5 46.7 62.5 60.9 29.4 45.5 50 41.7 75 0 50 58.8 50 85.7
 Retired 16.7 13 20 16.7 13 17.6 54.5 0 58.3 16.7 0 0 0 18.8 7.1
 Other 5.3 49.5 33.4 20.9 26.1 52.9 0 50 0 8.3 100 50 41.1 31.2 7.1
 [Missing] [2] [1] [1] [2] [1]
Marital Status
 Married/Partner 63.2 50.1 56.3 52 65.2 25 81.8 16.7 53.8 33.3 18.1 56.3 37.5 68.8 80
 Widowed 0 12.5 12.5 8 0 12.5 0 0 15.4 16.7 0 0 0 0 0
 Divorced/Separated 21.1 12.5 18.8 16 4.3 18.8 18.2 33.3 30.8 25 0 25.1 12.5 12.0 0
 Never married 15.8 25 12.5 24 30.4 43.8 0 50 0 25 81.8 18.8 50 18.8 20

Notes: Valid %—based on the number of people who answered the question on the particular form. N reflects the number of people who filled out the form and may not equal the number of people actually attending the session or answering a particular question.