Arx1 remains 60 S-associated in the absence of REI1. Lysates from 23 °C-grown Δrei1 (A–D) or Δrei1 Δjjj1 (E) cells containing chromosomally integrated ARX1-HA were centrifuged through 5–50% sucrose gradients, and the A254 was monitored versus the time course of fraction collection (upper). Fractions were analyzed for the presence of Arx1-HA by immunoblotting (lower). Cells were lysed and centrifuged in the following conditions: A and E, Buffer I containing 5 mm MgCl2; B, Buffer II in the presence of 30 mm MgCl2; C, Buffer II in the presence of 5 mm MgCl2; and D, Buffer I in the presence of 30 mm MgCl2. Note: The small peak on the top of the gradient side of the 40 S peak in B and D is not consistently observed.