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. 2009 Dec 15;7:18. doi: 10.1186/1478-7954-7-18

Table 4.

Factor analysis of 20 MFI item responses.

Five Factors
1 2 3 4 5

General Fatigue
I feel fit .83
I feel tired .71
I feel rested .52
I tired easily .61
Physical Fatigue
Physically I feel I am in an excellent condition .81
Physically I feel I am in a bad condition .67
Physically I can take on a lot .56
Physically I feel only able to do a little .54
Reduced Activity (Vigor)
I think I do very little in a day .84
I think I do a lot in a day .78
I get little done .72
I feel very active .68
Reduced Motivation
I have a lot of plans .89
I feel like doing all sorts of nice things .53
I dread having to do things .64
I don't feel like doing anything .58
Mental Fatigue (Cognition)
When I am doing something, I can keep my thoughts on it .81
I can concentrate well .81
My thoughts easily wander .75
It takes a lot of effort to concentrate on things .71
Total % of Variance Explained 20.10 15.18 14.10 13.40 6.87

Note: Factor loadings less than 0.5 were not listed in the table. The numbers in bold indicated the largest factor loading of the item loaded on different factor components.

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) = 0.938, p-value for Bartlett's Test of Sphericity is < 0.001. Cumulative % of Variance Explained is 70%.

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