Figure 5. IL-4 Induction by Notch Is Dependent on GATA-3 Activity.
(A) DN G3 antagonizes Notch1 induced IL-4 expression. Wild-type CD4+ T cells were cotransduced with ICN1 (NGFR), DN G3 (GFP), or control retroviruses and cultured under Th2 conditions. Cells were restimulated with PMA and Ionomycin on day 6 and stained for intracellular IL-4. Flow-cytometry plots show GFP+NGFR+ cells. Numbers represent the percentage of IL-4+ cells within the gates.
(B) Summary of independent experiments. Individual points on graphs represent results from separate experiments. The mean of the points within each group is shown as a horizontal line. The left plot displays the percentage of IL-4 cells as shown in (A). The right graph shows the mean fluorescence intensity of IL-4 as an indication of the amount of IL-4 expressed per cell.