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. 2010 Jan 1;60(570):e28–e35. doi: 10.3399/bjgp10X482077

Table 4.

Cost analysis (in €) per nurse practitioner consultation and GP consultation at study practices.

Nurse practitioner consultations (I), mean (SD) GP consultations (R), mean (SD)

All patients n = 747 n = 650 Mean difference, ΔIR (%) 95% CI P-value
Direct costsa 31.94 (36.29) 40.15 (49.94) –8.21 (–20.45) 3.56 to 12.85 0.001
 Based on salary of GP in employment 31.94 (36.29) 38.33 (49.94) –6.39 (–16.67) 1.74 to 11.03 0.007
 Based on GP employed by other GPs 31.94 (36.29) 37.45 (49.94) –5.53 (–14.76) 0.88 to 10.16 0.02
Direct costs and productivity costs 144.40 (53.18) 145.87 (67.15) –1.48 (–1.01) –4.94 to 7.90 0.65
 Based on salary of GP in employment 144.40 (53.18) 144.05 (67.15) 0.34 (0.24) –6.77 to 6.08 0.92
 Based on GP employed by other GPs 144.40 (53.18) 143.17 (67.15) 1.20 (0.84) –7.63 to 5.22 0.71

Patients <65 years n = 666 n = 542

 Direct costs and productivity costs 161.57 (33.98) 170.75 (46.58) –9.18 (–5.38) 4.48 to 13.88 <0.001
 Based on salary of GP in employment 161.57 (33.98) 170.10 (46.58) –8.52 (–5.01) 3.83 to 13.23 <0.001
 Based on GP employed by other GPs 161.57 (33.98) 168.90 (46.58) –7.33 (–4.34) 2.63 to 12.03 0.002

Based on resource use, costs of follow-up consultations, length of consultations, and salary costs.