Figure 6. Reduced frequency and amplitude of sEPSC onto parvalbumin interneurons in 6 month old BACHD mice.
A. Raw sEPSC recorded from typical parvalbumin interneurons from either WT or BACHD mice at 6 months postnatal demonstrating a reduction in the frequency and amplitude of sEPSC in BACHD mice with no change in the kinetics of the average unitary current (right, WT=grey, BACHD=black). B. Cumulative probability and event distribution histogram of more than 2,100 sequential events illustrates a shift towards smaller amplitude events in BACHD mice compared to WT. The mean for each distribution is indicated (WT=grey, BACHD=black). C. Cumulative probability and event distribution histogram of the same sequential events in B demonstrate a shift toward longer inter-event intervals (IEI) between sEPSC in BACHD mice compared to WT. D. Comparison of the average frequency, amplitude, 10–90% rise time, fast decay (τFast) and ratio of current decayed with τFast of sEPSC from all recorded primary motor cortex layer 2/3 parvalbumin interneurons (black bars indicate group means, asterisk indicates significant difference, p ≤ 0.01). E. Combined cumulative probabilities of sEPSC amplitude and frequency of 7,000 events from all cells illustrates the significant shift towards smaller amplitude events (left) and longer inter-event intervals (right) between sEPSC in BACHD mice compared to WT littermates.