Figure 6.
R(AB) transgenic mice have fragmented non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. A: Examples of sleep fragmentation during the light period. Integrated electromyography (EMG) power for each epoch in a wild-type (WT) mouse and an R(AB) transgenic mouse during the light period. Beneath the integrated EMG records are the state hypnograms The increased NREM sleep-wake and wake-NREM sleep transitions in R(AB) transgenic mice can be observed by the increased frequency of EMG events and transitions in the hypnogram in R(AB) transgenic mice. B: The cumulative probability of maintenance of each state was determined by survival analysis over the 24-h baseline period. These graphs depict the probability of maintaining a specific state in each genotype. P values are shown for the significance in difference for the survival distribution between genotypes. C: panels show mean bout length within each state. Data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001. REM refers to rapid eye movement sleep.