Numerical test of the theory. We take a=D=1, i.e., we use a and a2∕D as units of length and time. As a consequence, ν=1∕b. In panel (a), solid curves show the ν-dependence of function , which is given by ln∕π+1∕[4f(ν)] independently of lw, Eq. 4.1. The curves represent the function at ln=5,2,1 (from top to bottom). As ν→1,f(ν)→∞, and approaches , which is equal to ln∕π for all ν, 0<ν<1, Eq. 4.2. Symbols are numerical results for at the same ln and lw=2 (circles), lw=5 (triangles), and lw=10 (squares). In panel (b), solid curves are the survival probabilities S(t) and the lifetime probability densities ϕ(t) (inset) obtained by numerically inverting the Laplace transforms and given in Eqs. 2.18, 2.17 at lw=b=5 and ln=1,5 (Dw=Dn=1). Symbols are numerical results: triangles for ln=1 and circles for ln=5.