Fig. 2.
Correlation plot of inhibition results from the Y2R and Y1R primary HTS assays. Gray circles represent the response, expressed as the percentage of inhibition, for each compound tested in the Y1R (y-axis) and Y2R (x-axis) antagonism format cAMP biosensor assays. A total of 140,094 compounds were tested for inhibition in both the Y2R and Y1R primary HTS assays (details in text). The five HTS-derived Y2R antagonists presented in this manuscript are distributed in the lower quadrant of the plot, represented by the following symbols: ■, SF-11; +, SF-21; ♦, SF-22; ●, SF-31; and ▲, SF-41. The vertical and horizontal dashed lines represent the hit cutoff values of the Y2R (17.08%) and Y1R (20.11%) assays.