Fig. 11.
Lgals1l2 protein is expressed by proliferating Müller glial stem cells and their progeny and microglia in the ONL of injured retina. Panels a–c illustrate a retinal section from a transgenic (gfap:GFP)mi2001 fish exposed to constant light for 48 h followed by immunolabeling for Lgals1l2 (a) and GFP (b). Panel c is a digital overlay of a and b. Panels d–f illustrate a retinal section from an animal exposed to constant light for 48 h and immunolabeled for Lgals1l2 (d) and 4C4 (e). Panel f is a digital overlay of d and e. Arrowheads indicate the same cells in a–c and d–f. Scale bar = 50 μm. ONL, outer nuclear layer; INL, inner nuclear layer