Figure 6.
GR agonist infusions into the BLA or mPFC enhance memory for similar components of inhibitory avoidance training. Step-through latencies (mean + SEM) in seconds on the 48 h retention test of rats given bilateral infusions of the GR agonist RU 28362 into the BLA or mPFC immediately after either context or shock training on the two-phase modified inhibitory avoidance task. A, Posttraining infusions of RU 28362 (1 or 3 ng in 0.2 μl) into the BLA enhanced inhibitory avoidance retention latencies when administered after either the context exposure or the shock experience. B, Posttraining infusions of the GR agonist RU 28362 (3 or 10 ng in 0.5 μl) into the mPFC enhanced inhibitory avoidance retention latencies when administered after either the context exposure or the shock experience. ✷p < 0.05; ✷✷p < 0.01 compared with the corresponding vehicle group (n = 10–18 per group).