Figure 7.
Effect of GHK normalization of IK in a model of electrical activity of neurons from the suprachiasmatic nucleus by Sim and Forger (2007). Inset (A) Prediction of the Sim and Forger (2007) model. (B) Prediction of the model when GHK normalization is used to obtain the gK − V curve from the Bouskila and Dudek (1995)measurements of IK described to the right. Main panel: description of IK by Bouskila and Dudek (1995). They normalized their results with (V − EK) – open circles. The curve describing those results is given by 1/(1 + exp(−(v − 14)/17)). Those points were multiplied by (V − EK) with EK = −97 mV, and then normalized by the GHK procedure to give the filled circles. The curve describing those results is given by (αn/(αn + βn)4 with αn = −0.01(V + 30)/(exp(−0.08(V + 30)) − 1) and βn = 0.125 exp(−(V + 40)/30). This description of IK predicts quiescence in the Sim and Forger (2007) model as described in the text.