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. 2009 Nov 11;29(45):14309–14322. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2430-09.2009

Table 1.

Transcripts enriched in E16.5 habenula relative to cerebral cortex and thalamus

Gene symbol Gene title Microarray ratio
Hab/Ctx Hab/Thal Hab/other Visual Hab/Ctx Hab/Thal
    Robo3 Roundabout homolog 3 294 103 152 + 1.7 0.9
    Pou4f1 POU domain, class 4, transcription factor 1; Brn3a 180 99 128 ++ 69 75
    Dcc Deleted in colorectal carcinoma 29 171 49 ne
    Gpr151 G-protein-coupled receptor 151 51 34 40 +++ 25 179
    Irx2 Iroquois related homeobox 2 118 22 38 ++ 29 68
    Kcnma1 K+ large conductance Ca++-activated channel, subfamily M, α member 1 63 25 36 + 3.2 1.7
    Msi2 Musashi homolog 2 32 34 33 + 5.7 4.5
    Dmt2 Dorsomedial telencephalon gene 2 447 17 33 nd
    Gng8 Guanine nucleotide binding protein, γ8 subunit 146 18 32 nd
    Scube2 Signal peptide, CUB domain, EGF-like 2 230 17 32 ne
    Ppnr Per-pentamer repeat gene 129 16 29 + 1.4 5.5
    Kcng4 K+ voltage-gated channel, G4 28 27 27 ++ 9.4 9.7
    Tesc Tescalcin 117 14 25 + 8.8 2.1
    Dbx1 Developing brain homeobox 1 33 19 24 ne
    Tmem16a Transmembrane protein 16A 29 19 23 +++ 52 123
    Irx5 Iroquois related homeobox 5 79 12 21 ne
    Pbx3 Pre-B-cell leukemia transcription factor 3 21 18 19 ++ 8.0 11
    Htr5b 5-HT (serotonin) receptor 5B 69 11 19 +++ 33 43
    Chrnb4 Cholinergic receptor, nicotinic, β polypeptide 4 27 14 18 +++ 80 177
    Col2a1 Procollagen, type II, α1 21 16 18 nc 0.7 1.5
    Irx1 Iroquois related homeobox 1 55 10 17 + 1.7 1.5
    Robo1 Roundabout homolog 1 15 19 17 + 3.5 7.8
    Ttr Transthyretin 14 17 15 cp 3.5 6.4
    3110047P20Rik Hematological and neurological expressed 1 188 7.6 15 +++ 32 15
    Efcbp2 EF hand calcium binding protein 2 40 8.7 14 ++ 4 23
    Etv1 Ets variant gene 1 11 19 14 ++ 9.5 2.1
    Vav3 Vav 3 oncogene 42 7.2 12 ++ 2.9 18
    Ntng2 Netrin G2 8.0 26 12 ++ 1.9 8.5
    Kctd8 Potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 8 23 8.3 12 +++ 28 19
    Nrp2 Neuropilin 2 20 8.6 12 ++ 15 85
    Grb10 Growth factor receptor bound protein 10 14 10 12 +++ 11 131
    Nr4a2 Nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 2 Nurr1 8.1 22 12 + 1.3 0.8

Microarray analysis at E16.5 and bioinformatic analysis of the adult brain were used to identify habenula-enriched transcripts. Microarray values are derived from the means of two independent arrays for the habenula (Hab), cortex (Ctx), and thalamus (Thal). The ratio of habenula/other is calculated using the mean of the cortex and thalamus values. ABA data were examined by visual inspection and automated signal quantitation (see Materials and Methods).

+++, Enriched in the habenula with minimal other CNS expression;

++, enriched in the habenula with a few other CNS sites of expression;

+, enriched in the habenula with multiple other CNS sites of expression; nc, expression not correlated with habenula; ne, not expressed, little or no expression detected in any area of CNS; nd, no data in ABA; cp, highly enriched in choroid plexus.

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