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. 2007 Mar 2;99(4):747–753. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm010

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Distribution and phylogenetic significance of the 71-kb inversion in mosses. (A) Location of primers used to target the regions spanning both ends of the inverted region of the large single copy unit of the chloroplast genome in mosses. Non-inverted arrangement is typical of mosses. Inverted gene order was described for Physcomitrella. Note that the polarity of the genome is defined with reference to the Marchantia genome. Genes that are drawn above the line are transcribed left to right, and genes that are drawn below the line are transcribed right to left. See text for primer information. (B) Results from screening taxa of Funariidae for their chloroplast genome architecture based on PCR using primers flanking the putative break points of the inversion. Lanes 1–16: amplicons of region X or Y spanning the 3′ end of inversion in Funariaceae, Disceliaceae and Encalyptaceae: 1, Aphanorrhegma serrata; 2, Entosthodon bonplantii; 3, E. laevis; 4, E. serratus; 5, Funaria hygrometrica; 6, F. flavicans; 7, Funariella curviseta; 8, Physcomitrella patens; 9, Physcomitrium pyriforme; 10, P. lorentzii (Funariaceae); 11, Bryobartramia novae-valesiae; 12, Bryobrittonia longipes; 13, Encalypta armata (Encalyptaceae); 14, Goniomitrium acuminatum; 15, Pyramidula tetragona (Funariaceae); 16, Discelium nudum (Disceliaceae). Lanes 17–24: amplicons of region Z spanning the 5′ end of putative inversion in Gigaspermaceae and other mosses: 17, Chamaebryum pottioides; 18, Gigaspermum repens 1; 19, Gigaspermum repens 2; 20, Lorentziella imbricata; 21, Oedipodiella australis (Gigaspermaceae); 22, Timmia megapolitana; 23, Diphyscium foliosum; 24, Brachythecium salebrosum. (C) Putative phylogenetic relationships within Funariidae (in bold, sensu Goffinet and Buck, 2004), based on Goffinet and Cox (2000); Goffinet et al. (2001), Cox et al. (2004) and Werner et al. (2007). Polytomies identify currently unresolved relationships. The open bar identifies most parsimonious reconstruction for the occurrence of the inversion during the diversification of Funariidae.