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. 2007 Mar 2;99(4):747–753. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm010

Table 1.

Length of the spacer regions spanning both break points of the 71-kb inversion in Funariidae and their homologous regions in non-inverted genomes

rps11-rpoB, 5′ end petD-petN, 3′ end* trnC-rpoB, 5′ end rps11-petD, 3′ end
Discelium nudum (Dicks.) Brid. 254 (EF173139)
Aphanorrhegma serrata (Hook. and Wils.) Sull. 220 (EF173134) 698 (EF173158)
Entosthodon bonplandii (Hook.) Mitt. 239 (EF173127) 685 (EF173153)
Entosthodon laevis (Mitt.) Fife 220 (EF173128) 697 (EF173151)
Entosthodon serratus (Brid.) Fife 221 (EF173130) 686 (EF173156)
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. 1 227 (EF173137) 667 (EF173160)
Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. 2 227 (EF173138) 669 (EF173161)
Funaria flavicans Michx. 227 (EF173136) 669 (EF173159)
Funariella curviseta (Schwägr.) Milde 220 (EF173129) 692 (EF173152)
Goniomitrium acuminatum Hook. and Wils. 222 (EF173124) 283 (EF173141)
Goniomitrium seroi Casas 222 (EF173125)
Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Bruch and Schimp. 220 (EF173135) 696 (EF173157)
Physcomitrium lorentzii C.A. Müller 220 (EF173133) 264 (EF173142)
Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe 1 221 (EF173131) 697 (EF173154)
Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Hampe 2 220 (EF173132) 690 (EF173155)
Pyramidula tetragona (Brid.) Brid. 231 (EF173126) 270 (EF175217)
Chamaebryum pottioides Thér. and Dixon 264 (EF173146) 969 (EF175218)
Gigaspermum repens (Hook.) Lindb. 285 (EF173143)
Lorentziella imbricata (Mitt.) Broth. 279 (EF173145)
Oedipodiella australis (Wager and Dixon) Dixon 285 (EF173144)
Encalypta armata Dusén 236 (EF173121) 716 (EF173150)
Bryobrittonia longipes (Mitt.) D.G. Horton 232 (EF173123)
Bryobartramia novae-valesiae (Broth. ex G. Roth) I.G. Stone and G.A.M. Scott 238 (EF173122) 293 (EF173140)
Diphyscium foliosum (Hedw.) D. Mohr 264 (EF173147) 526 (AY911401)
Timmia megapolitana Hedw. 303 (EF173148)
Brachythecium salebrosum (Hoffm. ex F. Weber and D. Mohr) Schimp. 290 (EF173149) 309 (AY911404)

All sequences were deposited in GenBank.

–, Amplicon obtained but no sequence available.

* Unless otherwise noted, the petN-petD region includes the petN-trnC spacer, trnC (70 bp) and the trnC-petD spacer.

trnC-petD spacer only.