Table 3.
Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) of plant height, LMR (leaf mass ratio), LAR (leaf area ratio), Φd (PPFD), Φarea (PPFD per leaf area per day) and Ea (crown efficiency index), SLA (specific leaf area) as dependent variables with either plant above-ground mass, height, diameter or Φarea as covariates and species as discrete factor
Dependent | Covariate | F values | Slope effect, P | Intercept effect, P |
Height | Mass | F9,140=3·21 | 0·001 | n.a. |
Height | Diameter | F9,123=1·45 | n.s. | <0·001 |
LMR | Height | F9,140=0·76 | n.s. | <0·001 |
LAR | Height | F9,140=1·30 | n.s. | <0·001 |
Φd | Mass | F9,147=1·70 | n.s. | <0·001 |
Φarea | Height | F9,147=3·18 | 0·02 | n.a. |
Ea | Height | F9,143=5·79 | <0·001 | n.a. |
SLA | Φarea | F9,147=2·91 | 0·03 | n.a. |
P<0·05 values are shown; n.a., not applicable; n.s., not significant.