Fig. 2.
Analysis of the translocation of cPLA2α and the monomeric DsRed to phagosomal membranes. Human macrophages were cotransfected with the construct EGFP-cPLA2α or the soluble fluorescent protein DsRed (monomeric form). Cells were stimulated with opsonized zymosan, fixed, and fluorescence was analyzed by confocal microscopy at different times. A: The figure represents the fluorescence ratio EGFP-cPLA2α / DsRed in phagosomes versus cytosol at each time point. At least four phagosomes per cell were analyzed from many cells. B: Pictures of the cellular fluorescence of the EGFP-cPLA2α and the DsRed at different times of phagocytosis are shown. Pseudocolor analysis of the fluorescence is shown in the lower panels at each time point.