Figure 4. The pilE G4 is processed during pilin Av.
Shown is a 40bp region upstream of pilE containing the pilE G4 (red font). Arrows indicate location of nicks detected by Break Site Mapping (23) on top or bottom DNA strand with number detected in four replicate reactions from two separate cultures. Asterisks mark double strand breaks. A. Tn#9 is Av strain used in the genetic screen (black arrows) with an isogenic G4 mutant strain, Avd-1 (red arrows). B-G. Parental strain nicks (black arrows). B. G4 mutant strain Avd-1 nicks (red arrows). C. recQ/rep double mutant nicks (purple arrows). D. recJ mutant strain nicks (green arrows). E. G4 Avd-1/ recJ double mutant nicks (yellow arrows). F. NMM treated parental strain nicks (blue arrows). G. NMM treated G4 mutant strain Avd-1 nicks (orange arrows).