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. 2006 Jun;97(6):1103–1114. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcl067

Table 1.

Overview on the occurrence of epiphyte species on three host tree species in 0·4 ha of the San Lorenzo crane plot in relation to a null assemblage deduced from the local epiphyte pool

Species Family Socratea Marila Perebea
Aechmea tillandsioides Bromeliaceae 0 + +
Ananthacorus angustifolius Vittariaceae + 0 +
Anthurium acutangulum Araceae 0 + 0
Anthurium clavigerum Araceae + + 0
Anthurium friedrichsthalii Araceae 0 + 0
Anthurium hacumense Araceae 0 + 0
Asplenium juglandifolium Aspleniaceae 0
Asplenium serratum Aspleniaceae + 0 0
Campylocentrum micranthum Orchidaceae 0 + +
Campyloneurum occultum Polypodiaceae 0 0
Catasetum viridiflavum Orchidaceae 0 + 0
Codonanthe macradenia Gesneriaceae 0 + +
Columnea billbergiana Gesneriaceae + 0 0
Dichaea panamensis Orchidaceae + 0
Dicranoglossum panamense Polypodiaceae + + +
Elaphoglossum herminieri Lomariopsidaceae 0
Elaphoglossum latifolium Lomariopsidaceae 0 0
Elaphoglossum sporadolepis Lomariopsidaceae 0
Encyclia fragrans Orchidaceae + 0 0
Epidendrum imatophyllum Orchidaceae 0 + 0
Epidendrum nocturnum Orchidaceae + 0 0
Gongora quinquenervis Orchidaceae 0 + +
Guzmania subcorymbosa Bromeliaceae + 0 0
Maxillaria uncata Orchidaceae
Microgramma lycopodioides Polypodiaceae 0 + 0
Microgramma reptans Polypodiaceae 0 + 0
Niphidium crassifolium Polypodiaceae 0
Ornithocephalus bicornis Orchidaceae 0 + 0
Peperomia rotundifolia Piperaceae 0 + 0
Pleurothallis brighamii Orchidaceae
Polypodium percussum Polypodiaceae 0 0
Scaphyglottis graminifolia Orchidaceae
Scaphyglottis longicaulis Orchidaceae 0
Scaphyglottis prolifera Orchidaceae 0
Sobralia fragrans Orchidaceae + 0 0
Stelis crescentiicola Orchidaceae 0 0
Tillandsia anceps Bromeliaceae + + +
Tillandsia bulbosa Bromeliaceae 0 0
Trichomanes angustifrons Hymenophyllaceae + + +
Trichomanes ekmannii Hymenophyllaceae 0 + +
Trichomanes nummularium Hymenophyllaceae
Trichomanes ovale Hymenophyllaceae 0 0 +
Trichosalpinx orbicularis Orchidaceae
Vriesea gladioliflora Bromeliaceae + 0 +

Species more frequent on a given host tree species than expected by random distribution are indicated with ‘+’; species less frequent are indicated with ‘−’; species occurring in a frequency as expected by random distribution are indicated with ‘0’. Excluded are the 59 species occurring in all three focal tree species in a frequency as expected by random distribution.

For a detailed analysis of host preference compare Appendices 1–3.