eTable 2. Response rates and survival of patients after attainment of secondary resectability under combination therapy*1.
Reference | N | Chemotherapy regime | Response rate (%) | R0 resection rate (%) | Long-term survival after resection | EBM grade |
Falcone 2007*2 (e3) | 244 | FOLFIRI vs. FOLFOXIRI | 34 vs. 60 (p<0.0001) | 6 vs. 15 (p=0.033) | –– | Ib |
Van Cutsem 2007/8 (e4), CRYSTAL*3 | 1198 | FOLFIRI vs. FOLFIRI + cetuximab | 38.7 vs. 46.9 (p=0.0038) | 1.5 vs. 4.3 (p=0.0034) | –– | Ib |
Saltz 2008*4 (e5) | 1401 | XELOX/FOLFOX 4 + beva vs. XELOX/FOLFOX 4 + placebo | 38 vs. 38 (p=0.99) | N/A | 21.3 vs. 19.9 months (p=0.077) | IV |
*1 modified from (3);*2 Resection rate as a secondary endpoint, FOLFOXIRI by continuous infusion; *3 Resection rate as a secondary endpoint, benefit only from the treatment of patients with k-ras wildtype tumors; *4 Resection rates as the result of exploratory subgroup analyses; EBM, evidence-based medicine; N/A, not available