Fig. 1a. Identification of K-ras mutations in codon 12 of lung neoplasms from B6C3F1 mice exposed to cumene by whole-body inhalation for 2 years. Sequencing panels are from left to right: (a) normal K-ras codon 12 sequence GGT: (b) mutated codon 12 sequence GTT from animal No. 819 carcinoma; (c) mutated codon 12 sequence CGT from animal No. 808 carcinoma. Arrows point to mutant bands.
Fig. 1b. SSCP analysis at marker D6MCO12 to assess LOH on chromosome 6 near K-ras gene in cumene-induced carcinomas. Lanes 3–5 represent normal (N) lungs from B6C3F1 (F1), C3H (H) and C57BL/6 (B) inbred mouse strains. Lane 2 (animal No. 644 carcinoma) showed loss of C3H (H) allele: lane 6 (animal No. 846 carcinoma) showed loss of C57 (B) allele; lane 1 (animal No. 828 carcinoma) appeared normal with both alleles present.