Movements associated with switching to clockwise rotation. A, effects of repellent stimuli on cross-link yields. The experiments used iodine to induce cross-linking in intact cells. Upper panels, effects of leucine (30 mm). Lower panels, effects of glycerol (10%). B, Cys pairs that showed altered cross-link yields upon treatment with repellent mapped onto the FliN4-FliMC-FliN4 structural model. The affected cross-links are on the left-hand interface, and the changes in cross-link yield can be accounted for by a displacement along the interface in the direction indicated. The magnitude of the displacement cannot yet be estimated precisely; inter-sulfur distances that would result from a 7-Ådisplacement are indicated. C, comparison of the FliMC-FliN structural model (upper panel, five FliN tetramers and four FliMC domains are shown in the arrangement corresponding to the clockwise state) with an image of the bottom of the basal body from EM reconstructions on a clockwise-locked mutant (4).