Table 2.
Pro-Studies evaluating Helicobacter pylori (HP) and chronic urticaria (CU), (only studies that included proven eradicated patients)
H. pylori proven eradication rate (%) | first treatment regimen (days) | evaluation period in months | Remission or improvement rate (%) | First author Country Year |
Ref. | ||
eradicated HP+ CU | untreated HP+ CU | untreated HP- CU |
39/46 (85) | OAC (14) | 3 | 36/39 (92)* | 10/20 (50) | nd | Yadav India 2008 |
[37] |
39/45 (87) | OAC (14) | 2 and 4 | nd** | nd** | 0/33 | Magen Israel 2007 |
[36] |
62/68 (91) | OAC (7)$ | nd | 41/55 (75) | nd | nd | Vazquez Spain 2004 |
[101] |
26/26 (100) | OAC (4)$ | >12 | 19/26 (73) | nd | nd | Shiotani Japan 2001 |
[76] |
24/24 (100) | OAC (7)$ | 4 | 19/21 (91) | 10/20 (50) | 33/53 (62) | Wedi Germany 1998 |
[52] |
21/21 (100) | BM, ABM or BMT | not specified | 20/21 (95) | nd | nd | Kolibasova Slovakia 1994 |
[102] |
20/20 (100) | OAC (7) | not specified | 14/20 (70) | nd | nd | Gaig Spain 2002 |
[103] |
17/19 (89) | LAC, LAM (7) | 2 | 17/17 (100), CR in 6/17 | 2/9 (22) | nd | Fukuda Japan 2004 |
[34] |
17/17 (100) | ABM or OA (7) | not specified | 17/17 (100) | nd | nd | Kalas Hungary 1996 |
[104] |
16/18 (89) | LAC (7) | 1-4 | 16/16 (100) | nd | 0/19 (0) | Di Campli Italy 1998 |
[105] |
15/15 (100) | LAC (7) | >6 | 9/15 (60) | nd | nd | Sakurane Japan 2002 |
[106] |
14/17 (82) | OA, OC or OMT (7) | 1.5-2.5 | 14/17 (82) | nd | 0/8 (0) | Tebbe Germany 1996 |
[107] |
12/12 (100) | OAM (7) | not specified | 10/12 (83) | nd | nd | Bonamigo Brazil 1999 |
[108] |
Total 322/348 (93) |
§ |
Total 232/276 (84)& |
Total 22/49 (45) |
Total 33/113 (29) |
*signif. increase of CU2QoL (p = 0.001)
**signif. Urticaria activity score decrease in eradicated HP+CU but not in untreated HP+CU or untreated HP-CU
$treatment was repeated or a reserve schedule was used until eradication was achieved
§9 of 13 studies (69%) used a triple treatment of proton pump inhibitor (O or L) plus amoxicillin and clarithromycin;
&study by Magen could not be included because remission/improvement rates were not described
Abbreviations: O, omeprazole; A, amoxicillin; C, clarithromycin; B, bismuth; M, metronidazole; T, tetracycline; L, lansoprazole; HP, Helicobacter pylori; CU, chronic urticaria; nd, not done;