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. 2009 Dec 19;10:117. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-10-117

Table 1.

Analytically weighted regression results testing the quadratic interaction effects between treatment and baseline incidence for primary outcome

Change in incidence of primary outcome P Change in incidence of unexpected cardiac arrests P Change in incidence of unplanned ICU admissions P Change in incidence of unexpected deaths P
MET versus control -4.461 0.168 -2.630 0.090 -1.185 0.504 -1.637 0.004**
Baseline incidence of the outcome (per 1000 admissions) -1.168 0.144 -2.345 0.053 -1.051 0.056 -2.076 <0.001**
Linear interaction effect between MET and baseline incidence of outcome 1.797 0.043* 2.114 0.088 0.964 0.147 1.658 0.006**
Baseline incidence of outcome squared 0.125 0.014* 0.262 0.226 0.063 0.090 0.256 0.036*
Quadratic interaction effect between MET and baseline incidence of outcome -0.139 0.012* -0.378 0.104 -0.097 0.039* -0.322 0.021*
Constant 6.632 0.035* 3.201 0.039* 2.397 0.113 2.046 <0.001**
Observations 23 23 23 23
R-squared 0.725 0.873 0.618 0.898

* P < 0.05;

† Changes in incidence for primary outcome were calculated as events per 1000 admissions.