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Table 3.

Pol Gene Mutation Profile in Different Countries as Observed by Different Groups

Country Codon 70 (K70 R) Codon 215 (T215 F/Y) Codon 184 (M184V/I)
Spain[6] 22.8% 0

Israel[22] -- 100% (clade B) 7/14 in clade B
0/20 in clade C

United States (infants)[21] 1992–94 = 6.3%
1998–99 = 33.3%

Poland[29] 81.8% 33.3%

Ivory Coast[34] 39.7% to any of the NRTI drugs

Martinique (French West Indies)[24] 17.15% 2.85% 5.71%

Present study (North India) 80% 1.67% 31.67%

NRTI = nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.