A) Mean ± SEM circulating LH (left) and FSH (right) in response to E2-positive feedback challenge of prepubertal (top), pubertal (middle), and postpubertal (first anestrus, bottom) in control (white circles) and prenatal testosterone-treated (black circles) females. Within control and prenatal testosterone-treated groups, LH surge was aligned to the LH surge peak and then averaged and plotted relative to mean time of surge peak. B) Percentage of control (white) and prenatal testosterone-treated (black) females that responded to E2-positive feedback challenge (top left) during the three time points studied (Pp, prepubertal; Pu, pubertal; An, postpubertal). C) Summary statistics of the LH surge in response to the E2-positive feedback—namely, amplitude, timing of LH surge peak, and duration of LH surge—are shown in left, middle, and right panels, respectively. Asterisks represent significant differences between control and prenatal testosterone-treated groups within a given age (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01). Different superscripts represent statistical differences within treatment group across time. Two control females had initiated puberty before the positive feedback test at 23 wk and therefore were excluded from the analysis. Data from females that did not synchronize were not included in the analysis.