Figure 2.
Cluster effect of the oligosaccharides immobilized on the 3-D dendrimeric substrates for protein affinities. Oligosaccharides of GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc, GalNAc and GlcNAc were spotted on the glass slides coated with hydrazide-derivatized PAMAM dendrimer Generation 1 to 5 (A), and aminooxy-derivatized PAMAM dendrimer Generation 1 to 5 (B). The arrayed slides were microwave treated for 10 mins in 800W oven. The microarrays were then probed with 0.1 µg/mL of Cy3-labeled WGA lectin at 30 °C for 60 min, followed by washing with PBST buffer for 5 mins twice and 0.01 × PBS for 1 min. The micraorrays were measured with confocal scanner under identical layer power and PMT. The number showed in the bracket of axis is the surface functional groups of dendrimer generation. The noise (i.e., background) was determined as the fluorescent intensity around the spots. Each data shown represent means ± SD of 12 replicates from four slides. Insert images were obtained from slides coated with hydrazide- and aminooxy- functionalized PAMAM dendrimer Generation 4, respectively.