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. 2009 Dec;23(12):805–810. doi: 10.1155/2009/384926


Knowledge gaps of gastroenterology nurses in the treatment of patients with Crohn’s disease: Phase II – survey (n=36)

Component of treatment Level of knowledge (1 = Low, 5 = High), mean
Current Desired
Optimal care for children 2.00 3.56 1.56*
Optimal care for pregnant women 2.00 3.92 1.92*
Step-up versus top-down therapy 2.67 4.58 1.91*
Pros and cons of treatment options 3.14 4.77 1.63*
Immunogenicity 2.40 4.37 1.97*
Nonpharmacological treatment 2.43 4.54 2.11*
Safety and side effects 3.26 4.71 1.45*

Paired samples t test revealed significant gaps between current and desired level of knowledge (*P<0.001). Substantive gaps between current levels of knowledge and desired levels of knowledge of one or greater are indicated in bold