Figure 3.
Tissue-Specific Pattern of BAN Promoter Activity.
(A) to (C) Expression of ProBAN1:uidA. GUS activity is observed on whole mounts, with Nomarski optics.
(A) Flower.
(B) Young silique.
(C) Immature seed at the late-globular stage of embryo development.
(D) and (E) Expression of ProBAN1:uidA. GUS activity is observed on sections of seeds at the globular stage, with Nomarski optics.
(D) Whole seed.
(E) Detailed view of the micropylar/chalazal area.
(F) to (N) Expression of ProBAN1:mGFP5-ER. GFP activity is observed on whole mounts, with a standard fluorescence microscope.
(F) Young unfertilized ovule.
(G) Mature unfertilized ovule.
(H) Young seed at the one-cell stage of embryo development.
(I) Young seed at the two-cell stage.
(J) Early globular stage.
(K) Torpedo stage.
(L) and (M) Cotyledonary stage.
(N) Seven-day-old ovule obtained on a castrated flower showing ProBAN1 activity only in chalazal and micropylar areas. The arrowhead shows the limit of ProBAN activity in the ii2 layer.
(O) to (R) Expression of ProBAN1:mGFP5-ER. GFP activity is observed on confocal sections.
(O) Young unfertilized ovule.
(P) Young seed at the two-cell stage.
(Q) Seed at the early globular stage.
(R) Seed at the late globular stage.
C, chalaza; EM, embryo; ii, inner integument; M, micropyle; Pe, petal; Pi, pistil; PS, pigment strand; Se, sepal; St, stamen. Bar in (R) = 1 mm for (A), 250 μm for (B), 50 μm for (C), (D), (G), and (H), 35 μm for (F) and (O), 60 μm for (I) and (P), 80 μm for (J) and (R), 120 μm for (K), 150 μm for (L) and (M), 25 μm for (N), and 70 μm for (Q) and (E).