Figure 3.
FIL Expression in Leaves and Cotyledons.
GFP signals were examined in transgenic plants fp-6 ([A], [B1], and [D] to [I]) and mtfp-6 ([B2] and [C]) by confocal laser scanning microscopy. GFP signal and the autofluorescence of chloroplasts are shown in green and red, respectively; overlapped signal is shown in yellow and orange.
(A) Longitudinal section of a SAM. The GFP signal was found in cells on the abaxial side of leaves. The signal also was detected in a primordium (arrow).
(B1) Enlarged section of (A) indicated by the arrow.
(B2) Enlarged section of (C) indicated by the arrow.
The region of GFP expression in the mtfp-6 plant is larger than the region in the fp-6 plant shown in (B1) and (B2), indicating that the signal was located on the abaxial side in the P0 primordium of fp-6.
(C) Longitudinal section of a SAM of a mtfp-6 plant. The GFP signal was seen on both the abaxial and adaxial sides of leaves (see Figure 2B).
(D) Transverse section of a young leaf. A strong GFP signal was detected in three cell layers on the abaxial side (arrows).
(E) Longitudinal section showing the GFP signal in three cell layers on the abaxial side, from the bottom to the top of a leaf (arrow).
(F) Transverse section of a mature leaf. More than three cell layers expressed the GFP signal at the midrib (arrow 1). The GFP signal was not detected in the vascular bundle (arrow 2).
(G) The GFP signal was detected on the abaxial side of the cotyledon primordium in the heart-stage embryo (arrows).
(H) In an embryo at the bending-cotyledon stage, the GFP signal was detected in the abaxial epidermis of the cotyledons (arrows).
(I) Transverse section of a cotyledon of a 4-day-old seedling cotyledon showing the GFP signal on the abaxial epidermis (arrows).
ab, abaxial side; ad, adaxial side. Bars = 15 μm for (B1) and (B2), 50 μm for (D), (G), and (I), 100 μm for (A), (C), (E), and (H), and 200 μm for (F).