Figure 2.
Expression Analyses by RT-PCR of Genes Induced in Arabidopsis Wild-Type and ag-3 Mutant Plants Ectopically Expressing STK.
RT-PCR analysis using RNA extracted from bract leaves of wild-type (WT) and ag-3 mutant plants (ag/ag) in which STK was expressed ectopically (35S::STK). As a control, this analysis also was performed on plants that were not transformed. RT-PCR was performed using independent transformants, all of which gave similar results. Representative RT-PCR results are shown. In the CaMV 35S::STK plants, the SHP1, SHP2, SEP3, and AG genes all were induced. In the ag-3 mutant, the induced AG RNA encoded a nonfunctional transcript. ACT, control amplification on actin.