Figure 3. Ethanol Preference in Flies Exhibits Features of Addiction.
(A) Over time, naive flies developed ethanol preference when 300 μM quinine was added to the ethanol food throughout the assay. These flies had no preference on days 1–3 (p>.05), but had a positive preference on days 4 (p<.001) and 5 (p<.01). In the absence of ethanol, flies exhibited quinine aversion (p<.05 on all days, one sample t tests, n=16).
(B) Flies that had been drinking in the preference assay for 5 days continued to exhibit ethanol preference when 300 μM quinine was added to the ethanol food on the sixth day (p<.01, one sample t test, n=16), though this preference was decreased compared with controls lacking quinine. All 3 groups are significantly different from each other (***p<.001, one-way ANOVA with Tukey's post-test, n=16).
(C) After 5 days of drinking, flies were divided into two groups, one of which was deprived of ethanol access for two intermittent 1 day intervals (shaded). PI of the deprived group differed from the non-deprived group only during the deprivation periods (day 6 and day 8, ***p<.001). Post-deprivation PI did not differ from pre-deprivation PI (p>.05 for day 7 vs. day 5 and day 9 vs. day 7) or from the non-deprived group (p>.05 for day 7 and day 9).
(D) Same as (C) using a single 3 day deprivation. PI of the deprived group differed from the non-deprived group only during deprivation (days 6–8, *p<.05, ***p<.001). Post-deprivation PI did not differ from pre-deprivation PI or from the non-deprived group (p>.05).
In (C) and (D), one- or two-way repeated measures ANOVAs with Bonferroni's post-tests were used to compare values within the deprived group or between deprived and non-deprived groups, respectively. n=20 in (C) and n=10 in (D).