Figure 3. Trainer-Specific Learning Is Not Habituation.
Trainer condition is indicated above the panel, and tester type is indicated below each set of bars (mV, mature virgin; im, immature male; -d, decapitated). Data are presented as means ± SEM.
(A) The ability of a 1 hr exposure to a filter on which mature virgins had been stored (for 1 or 4 hr) or a filter containing a hexane extract of mature virgins (1.25 fly equivalents) to produce trainer-specific memory was assessed. Males exposed to pheromone-containing filters in the absence of a courtship object failed to form memory when tested with mature virgins (p > 0.05).
(B) Male flies trained with either immature males or mature virgins were subjected to a 1 min dishabituating stimulus (vortexing) before the memory test. Habituation of the response to immature males was significantly reversed by vortexing (**p < 0.05). Memory for training with a mature virgin was unaffected by the dishabituating stimulus (p > 0.05).