Figure 5. An initial miscoding event results in an overall drop in yield of full-length peptides.
a, Proposed model for the events following a miscoding event with the steps contributing to the quality control described here highlighted with green arrows. b, Mock in vivo experiment recapitulates predictions of model. The indicated series of mRNAs (MKX through MKIFHKX for the matched series and MNX through MNIFHKX for the mismatched series) were used in complete translation reactions to observe the consequences of competition between tRNAs and RFs for peptide synthesis. Peptides initiated with the cognate dipeptide MK from the matched mRNA series are assigned the color black (MK-matched), peptides initiated with the cognate MN from the mismatched mRNA series are assigned the color blue (MN-matched), while peptides resulting from an incorrect decoding by Lys-tRNALys on the Asn (N) codon are assigned the color red (MN-mismatched). c, Yield was quantified as the fractional radioactivity in each product band relative to the whole lane. The plot represents the average of three independent experiments, with error bars representing the standard deviation from the mean.