Fig. 8.
Cln7−/− mice show increased aquaporin-2 (AQP2) expression. A: AQP2 mRNA level was measured in kidneys from 2/3-, 4/5-, and 7/8-day-old Cln7+/+ and Cln7−/− mice using real-time RT-PCR method. Each measurement was normalized to its β-actin level. Cln7+/+ mRNA level was arbitrarily assigned as 100, and Cln7−/− mRNA level was compared with this value. Each data point represents at least 5 samples and is presented as mean ± SE. *Value is significantly different from the WT control (P < 0.05). B: kidney lysates from 6-day-old Cln7+/+ (+/+) and Cln7−/− (−/−) mice were homogenized and lysed in lysis buffer. A total of 40 μg protein for each sample was loaded on the SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Membranes were blotted against AQP2 antibody. The same membrane was stripped and blotted using anti-actin antibody to show the loading control.