Figure 2.
High-resolution genetic map of the Rsl locus. Using a PL/J × B10.D2 intercross, 1660 F2 mice were typed with polymorphic microsatellite markers (listed at left). D13Mit markers were from Research Genetics; D13Dmr markers were developed from the B6 BAC contig (see Fig. 3). Open boxes indicate homozygosity for the PL/J allele, filled boxes homozygosity for the B10.D2 allele, and diagonally half-filled boxes indicate heterozygosity. At the bottom is the number of recombinants that share the haplotype indicated. Scoring for liver Slp expression in directly informative females (those having a homozygous PL/J flanking marker) is shown on the line below (♀ Slp), indicated as positive (+) or negative (-). Within this group, the recombinant female with a breakpoint between D13Mit124 and D13Dmr1 defined the centromeric (top) side of the Rsl interval. For all other recombinants, testing of female backcross progeny is shown below the arrows as the proportion positive for Slp. The telomeric side of the Rsl interval, between D13Dmr8 and D13Dmr5, was defined by the single recombinant with 7 of 15 female progeny positive for Slp.