Dendrograms were constructed by PFGE-XbaI patterns to determine the genotypes for S. Braenderup (A) and S. Bareilly (B) with corresponding information including the number and size of plasmids, PFGE subtypes, antimicrobial resistance patterns and collection location of each isolate. The dendrograms were generated by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) using the Dice-predicted similarity value of two patterns. The BioNumerics version 4.5 statistics program was used with settings of 1.0% optimization and 0.7% tolerance. Symbols of black square and white square represent resistant and susceptible respectively. Plasmids were separated into four groups by size. Ex, 1, 1, 1, 3 indicates that this strain harbored 6 plasmids, one is >90 kb, one is from >50 to <90 kb, one is from >6.6 to <50 kb, and three are <6.6 kb.