Figure 10.
Pixel-by-pixel quantification of sensitized emission FRET between mGAT1565XFP566CT and mGAT1570XFP571CT. (A; from left to right) mGAT1565CFP566CT fluorescence and mGAT1565YFP566CT fluorescence (calibration bars, ACUs), ROIs used to determine NFRET (color coding as in Fig. 8), and the NFRET image (color calibration bar, NFRET × 100) of the same cell. Pixels with signal amplitude below threshold are shaded gray. Bars, 10 µm. (B) Box plots displaying NFRET for all pixels in each ROI of cells expressing mGAT1565XFP566CT. The box, whiskers, and other data points are represented as in Fig. 7 B. Box plots for each ROI are colored according to the code in Fig. 8 A (ROI), and the intracellular data are colored blue. (C) Table of results for mGAT1565XFP566CT transfections displaying the mean of each Gaussian component of the summed fit of the distributions in D and the percentage of the pixels comprising each component. (D) Distributions of NFRET signal amplitude per pixel for each ROI (bin width, 0.02) from mGAT1565XFP566CT-expressing cells. The individual components and the sum of the fit are shown as dashed and solid lines, respectively. (E) Representative fluorescence images of mGAT1570XFP571CT-expressing N2a cells, the regions of interest, and corresponding NFRET image. Calibration and color coding are as for Fig. 8 A. (F) Box plots displaying NFRET for all pixels in each ROI of cells expressing mGAT1570XFP571CT. Color coding and data are represented as in B. (G) Table of results for mGAT1570XFP571CT transfections displaying the mean of each Gaussian component of the summed fit of the distributions in H and the percentage of the pixels that comprise each component. (H) Distributions of NFRET signal amplitude per pixel for each ROI (bin width, 0.02) from mGAT1570XFP571CT-expressing cells. The individual components and their sum are shown as dashed and solid lines, respectively.