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. 2009 Dec 21;206(13):3089–3100. doi: 10.1084/jem.20091586

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Proliferation of resident epidermal LCs in the steady state. (A) Tiled micrograph of ear epidermal sheets of a 8-wk-old langerin-GFP mouse. LCs are labeled in green and Ki67 is labeled in red. This tile has been obtained by assembling a series of maximal intensity projection Z-stacks. Ki67-expressing LCs are indicated with white circles. (inset) A three-dimensional reconstruction of a Ki67+ LC as in D (for more information see Video 2). Results are representative of epidermal sheets from four mice. (B, left) The percentage of Ki67+ langerin-GFP+ cells at various ages (W4, 4 wk; W8, 8 wk; W14, 14 wk). For each animal, 160–400 cells were analyzed. Means ± SD are displayed (n = 4 mice per experiment). (right) The number of langerin+ cells per square millimeter in the ear epidermis of littermate 4-wk-old CCR2+/+ and CCR2−/− mice. Means of three experiments ± SD are displayed. (C) Graph shows the distance in micrometers between LCs and their closest neighbor. More than 600 langerin-GFP+ cells and >60 Ki67+ langerin-GFP+ cells were analyzed from the epidermis of 8-wk-old langerin-GFP+ mice. Similar results were obtained from the epidermis of 4- and 14-wk-old mice (n = 4). (D) Snapshots of a three-dimensional reconstruction of Z-stacks of 8-wk-old Ki67-expressing epidermal langerin-GFP+ cells using Imaris software. Results are representative of epidermal sheets from four mice. For more information, see Video 3 and Video 4. (E) Cell-cycle analysis by flow cytometry of sorted LCs as in Fig. 3 E. Percentages of gated singlet PI+ events in the S/G2/M phase are indicated. The experiments have been repeated three times with similar results. (F, top) CD45.1+ C57BL/6 recipient mice were irradiated (10 Gy) and injected with107 bone marrow cells obtained from adult langerin-GFP CD45.2+ mice to allow identification of donor-derived cells. 5 wk after transplantation, hematopoietic engraftment was analyzed by measurement of blood chimerism, and ears were collected 7 wk after transplantation. (bottom) Micrographs of epidermal sheets of control langerin-GFP mice and of irradiated chimeric mice. Langerin-GFP+ cells are labeled in green (anti-eGFP antibody) and langerin+ cells are labeled in red (antilangerin antibody). Maximal intensity projections from Z-stacks are displayed. Results are representative of epidermal sheets from four mice. HF, hair follicle; SSC, side scatter.