The lens fulcrum is no longer present at the lens equator in aPKCλ cko lens (E12.5 and E13.5). In a control lens, differentiating lens epithelial cells move their apical–basal axis through approximately 90° at the lens equator. This is achieved by the apical tips of the lens cells forming the equatorial lens fulcrum (arrows in A). It marks the start of the epithelial–fibre cell interface. At low magnification image (A, E12.5), a shortened epithelial–fibre cell interface is seen in an aPKCλ cko lens. In an enlarged view of a control lens (B, E13.5), γ-tubulin dots (green) are visible along the interface both in epithelial and fibre cell sides. In aPKCλ cko lenses, the apical tips of elongating fibre cells (N-cadherin, ZO-1 and γ-tubulin labelling) were clearly dissociated from the ends of newly formed fibre cells at the epithelial–fibre interface. This indicates a defect in the formation of the lens fulcrum. (C, E13.5) Lens epithelial cells at the anterior pole maintained apparently normal apical cell junctions at this stage. Scale bars are 50 μm in (A) and 20 μm in (B) and (C), respectively.