Prestimulus connectivity to the anterior insular cortex (aINS). (A) Differences in prestimulus connectivity to the bilateral aINS in a 3-sec prestimulus period as assessed by a PPI analysis. Brain areas whose connectivity to the anterior insular cortex is greater before no pain trials than before pain trials are shown. PAG (coordinates 4, −28, −4; z = 2.3). For coordinates of aINS, see Table 1. Voxels showing differences in connectivity to the left and right aINS were reported at a threshold of P < 0.05, small volume-corrected for the PAG (see Materials and Methods). For visualization, contrasts are shown at a threshold of P < 0.05 uncorrected. (B) Correlation between pain vigilance and anxiety and the difference between prestimulus insular and PAG connectivity. Pain vigilance and anxiety were assessed using the PVAQ, and the trait anxiety (TA) part of the STAI. Differences in connectivity between pain and no pain trials are given in effect sizes in arbitrary units. PAG coordinates were 0, −26, −16.